Tips for Creating a Morning Routine

by - 8:49 AM

Morning Routine

"If I Had Nine Hours to Chop Down a Tree, I'd Spend the First 6 Sharpening My Axe" - The Power of a Purposeful Morning Routine

As the famous Abraham Lincoln quote suggests, preparation is often the key to peak performance. And when it comes to setting ourselves up for a productive, fulfilling day, our morning routine is the sharpening of the proverbial axe.

The way we start our mornings has a profound impact on the rest of our waking hours - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. By intentionally crafting a powerful morning routine, we can prime ourselves for focus, energy, and optimal well-being.

But where do we begin? 

Here are 10 tips for creating a morning routine that will help you achieve your highest potential:

  1. Be Consistent. Our bodies crave rhythms and routines, especially when it comes to sleep and wake times. Establishing a consistent wake-up time, even on weekends, helps regulate our circadian rhythms for better rest and alertness.
  2. Ditch the Devices. It can be tempting to immediately dive into the digital world by checking emails, scrolling social media, or browsing the news. But this scatters our focus and energy right from the start. Challenge yourself to keep devices at bay during your morning routine.
  3. Make the Bed. As the wise Admiral McRaven said, making your bed in the morning can have a surprisingly powerful psychological impact. It gives you a sense of control and accomplishment that can carry through the rest of the day.
  4. Hydrate. Start your day with 20 ounces of water. This simple act rehydrates your body, boosts metabolism, and provides crucial fuel for your brain.
  5. Read. Whether it's a chapter of a book, a devotional, or an article related to your goals, incorporating reading into your mornings can sharpen your mind and provide valuable perspective.
  6. Reflect & Pray. In the relative quiet of the morning, take time to journal, meditate, or speak with the divine. This enables you to center yourself and approach the day with clarity and purpose.
  7. Speak Life. Use this time to remind yourself (and your loved ones) of who you are, whose you are, and what you're capable of. Declarations of identity and affirmation can be powerful catalysts.
  8. Prioritize. Review your schedule and commitments, then intentionally order your day around your most important tasks and objectives. This helps ensure you make meaningful progress on your priorities.
  9. Get Moving. Whether it's a brisk walk, a yoga flow, or a high-intensity workout, incorporating physical activity first thing jumpstarts your metabolism and boosts your mood.
  10. Nourish. Fuel your body with a wholesome, satisfying breakfast. This stabilizes your blood sugar, restores energy stores, and primes you for focused, productive hours ahead.
Just like Abraham Lincoln knew the value of proper axe preparation, crafting an intentional morning routine is the key to maximizing your time, energy, and potential throughout the day. So, what will you do to sharpen your own metaphorical axe? 

If these tips are helpful in creating your morning routine, feel free to share via your favorite social media platform. If you are looking for help to move better, eat better, or perform better, contact me via the contact tab above to discuss how I can help you return to the things you enjoy!

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