The solution...A Home/Garage GYM!
The simplicity and efficiency of a home/garage gym can get/keep you fit even with the busiest of schedules.
The size and cost may vary depending on your goals and how much you can spend. With the help of craigslist, play it again sports and some DIY projects, you can have a world class facility right in your own home for as little as $500.
Here is a list of my garage/home gym essentials:
- 45 lb Olympic Barbell
- Olympic Plates
- Barbell Clamps (Collars)
- A Power Rack With Pull Up Bar
- A Kettle Bell
- Body Weight Suspension Trainer
- Flat Bench
- Foam Roller
- Resistance Bands
- Medicine Ball
- Ab Wheel
- Olympic Curl Bar & 2 Olympic dumbbell bars
- Agility Ladder and Cones
- Chains For Farmer Carries and Weighted Pull Ups
For flooring, I used two 4x6 foot horse stall mats from Tractor Supply and they work great!
The entire gym only takes up 6 feet by 8 feet of floor space.
The entire gym only takes up 6 feet by 8 feet of floor space.
Here are a few pics of my recently renovated garage gym.
Good luck on your garage gym!
For more information creating a gym at home or tips on how to look, move, feel, or perform better contact me at
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